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  • Writer's pictureDave

2023 Year In Review

With a focus on the east coast, it was another excellent year which involved 3 countries and many miles.

We started the year in South Carolina and ended in Texas. There were so many wonderful things it would take a book to list them all. But here is an attempt to hit some highlights for each area.

Drinking Florida Sunshine

Florida did not disappoint. We were successfully able to navigate the throngs of "Florida Man" and enjoy the sunshine.

  • Small town festivals. Every town has their own weekly or monthly events. It was so cool to check out what was going on locally each week.

  • SYFY Bartow was a outrageously fun comic con located in the city of Bartow Fl. They shut down main street and let all us weirdos wander around.

  • Disney, Disney, Disney. Of course we had to do the House of Mouse, with Epcot and Galaxy's Edge being our favorite parts.

  • Swamp exploring

East Coast Shenanigans

Once the winter started to retreat kindly to the North, we wandered the coast line with the single minded purpose of exploring and reaching our northern neighbor.

  • So much good seafood.

  • Warships of all sorts. You sank my Battleship!

  • A birthday helicopter ride with no doors

  • Witches in Salem

  • The older architecture.

  • And one of our favorite places, Acadia National Park. Beauty, great food and so much fun exploring.

  • Sailing the bay in Portland

Friendly French and the Midwest

A few weeks in Canada before beginning the turn back to the south. This time our path twisted and turned through the Mid West, capturing beauty and locations never seen by either of us.

  • Montreal was friendly and fun. We'll never forget riding scooters through foot deep puddles in the most fun tour we've ever had.

  • Auberge Du Dragon Rouge (The Red Dragon Inn)

  • Niagara, Canada viewpoint edition. We were really amazed with the feel of theme park that is Niagara Canada.

  • Pennsic War 50 Year. Meeting old friends, making new ones, and getting our medieval on.

  • Indiana State Fair with family

  • Walking with the gangsters in Chicago

  • Finally having a landmark that we didn't remark was smaller in person. Thank you St Louis Arch.

  • The most fun park on Earth. Again, thank you St Louis.

  • A Mammoth hole in the ground

  • Blues in Memphis

Finishing Down South

We partied like rock stars, and then got lost in the desert.

  • Halloween in New Orleans. For a couple of Halloween nuts this was a dream vacation

  • Vampires, Pirates and Hookers, oh my! (All ways something fun happening in New Orleans)

  • Another step back in time at the Texas Renaissance Faire.

  • Oh deer, so many deer.

  • To finish it all off, ghost towns, hot springs, a not so grand river, epic sunsets, horses in Mexico, scenic vistas and the desert life. Thanks Big Bend!

Thank you 2023 for a wonderful year. We continue to look forward with 2024 already looking to be a good one.

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