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  • Writer's pictureDave

Can You Handle the Heat at Hell's Kitchen?

Hi, I am addicted to food, and I'm Going to Hell

Anyone who knows me knows I love food. I love to eat it, I love to cook it, I love to watch shows about it. My body tells me I may love it a little too much, but it can't tell me what to do.

I've watched every season of Hell's Kitchen. It is definitely one of those guilty pleasures, watching chefs compete all while getting yelled at by Chef Ramsey. Yes, I'm a bit of a sadist too.

A few years back they started opening Hell's Kitchen restaurants, starting in Las Vegas I believe. I was excited for the prospect of having the infamous Gordan Ramsey Beef Wellington, a staple of the show. We weren't able to attend that one when we were there last, but this year our path along the Atlantic sea coast was going to bring us right next to the one opening in Atlantic City.

We couldn't pass up on this opportunity.

The atmosphere was perfect. Our table had us sitting and looking directly into the kitchen. Though there wasn't a battle happening before our eyes, we did get to see some of the inner workings of the kitchen as we sat and talked.

The service was impeccable. Our wait staff included young gal that was engaging, entertaining and helpful with all of the choices.

And the food. Yes, the main reason to be here. The flavor was spot on, a burst of flavor in every bite that just made me want more. It, however, was my only source of complaint in the whole experience though. The scallops, though flavorful, and very tasty, were cut very thin. Maybe this is some new technique in cooking, but my initial response was that corners were being cut to get the dishes out quicker. Still, overall I was impressed and enjoyed my food thoroughly.

Marsha had the lobster risotto and rack of lamb. I think the rack of lamb was the winner of both of us for the night for overall presentation and flavor. I had the scallops and the star, the beef wellington. Then we shared Gordon's signature dessert, the sticky toffee pudding.

But the best part was the people-watching. I got to see all sorts of different people from all walks of life, all enjoying a delicious meal. It was a reminder that food is a universal language that can bring people together.

So if you're a foodie, I highly recommend going to Hell's Kitchen. It's an experience you'll never forget.

But be warned: you might just end up in hell yourself.

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