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  • Writer's pictureMarsha

Child's play

Like most people we went to St. Louis to see the Arch, the Gateway to the West.

Without a doubt, this is an impressive national monument and one that is actually bigger than expected (I'm looking at you Mount Rushmore). A dizzying 630 feet at its top, which the postcard tell us is taller than even Seattle's famed Space Needle.

Getting to the top, now that is a trip!

It seems people in the 60's, when the arch was built, were of the smaller variety. The door to enter the barrel-esque contraption that takes one to the top is only 4 feet tall and they say you can fit five people in it.

Maybe five Oompa Loompas but normal size adults? Three of us became quite close.

Still, it wasn't bad, just odd. The view from the top however, wow! The windows are very small and you have to lean far over to see out them but what a view it is.

The last picture is looking straight down.

Time at the top, much like space, is limited so everyone has a chance to enjoy this national historic landmark.

St Louis is not big city like New York or Los Angeles but that doesn't mean it lacks in activities. On our bus tour of the city we learned the residents are major sports fans with three professional teams calling the city home: St. Louis Cardinals (Baseball), St. Louis Blues (Hockey), and the St. Louis City FC (soccer).

We took a second tour in a riverboat near the arch on the Mississippi.

The day was hot but boat wasn't going fast enough to really cool us down. Still, it was nice to have a different view of the city.

The fish head people hanging on a corner playing music were pretty cool...

...but the absolutely most amazing place here is The City Museum! OMG!

Yes, that is a bus hanging off of a 10 story building and yes, you can go in and open the doors to look out. There is grating from floor to ceiling in front of the steps to prevent you from falling but if you're afraid of heights, think twice.

There are places inside and out everywhere to crawl, climb, slide, and basically have the time of your inner child's life! Why? Because you don't have to be accompanied by a child to enjoy this place. Adults are welcomed too!

They have 5 through 10 story tall tight corner slides. The speed you can achieve if you stay half way up the tubes where gravity wants you to be is impressive.

You can climb up as people go down the preying mantis slide who are literally right below you!

The Ferris Wheel! It's on top of the building! Height upon height! This is the most nervous one of these things have made me but it was worth it!

What a view from the Ferris Wheel.

The entrance fee is very reasonable and if we lived here, we would be season pass holders. This place is that much fun and our favorite part of St. Louis.

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