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  • Writer's pictureMarsha

Danish Dreams to Sandy Shores

The countryside from Santa Barbara to Pismo Beach is one of the most beautiful areas we've seen. Luckily we got to spend some time in Santa Barbara, Solvang and the Pismo Beach area.

Where do I start about Solvang? It is a beautiful Danish town that I hope is a tease for visiting the actual country someday. There were iconic windmills, beautiful buildings and quite a few choices in dishes from the region.

After wandering around, visiting shops, and taking pictures of the awesome architecture, we decided to finish the evening with a couple of traditional meals. Overall the day was fun, the weather was nice and we want to come back to visit again.

Pismo Beach was just a fun area to explore. Sea caves beckoned us for viewing, sand dunes made for hard but fun climbing hikes, exceptional coastal views were in every direction, and the sea lions pointedly ignored us.

Serenity was the name of the stay. A beautiful sunset with wonderful company says it all.

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