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  • Writer's pictureMarsha

Disney World Adult Style

Let's face it. Anything and everything that can be been said or shown about Disney World has been. And probably better than I ever could but that's not stopping me from writing this blog post!

Dave and I have both been here before, decades ago in different lives and with children. Returning to Disney as adults sans children is an entirely different experience altogether.

For one, you get to go on the rides you want and you get to do it without having to entertain or deal with children who are tired and bored with being stuck in long lines.

Pro tip: Some parents will keep their children from sidling up next to you to in line if you look down at the child and in a regular, none humorous tone of voice ask "Am I adopting you?"

True story.

For another, you can take the time to enjoy the scenery and the food (you know, the good stuff not what they expect kids to like) without needing to race to the next ride.

And so much more.

We spent two days visiting Epcot, Hollywood Studios, and, of course, the Magic Kingdom. Each place was a such unique experience with very specific things we wanted to accomplish in each one.

We started in Hollywood Studios where we wanted to experience Star Wars and its rides. I have to admit to being nervous. I'm generally not a theme park person due to having motion sickness which limits the rides I can go on but I really wanted to experience Rise of the Resistance and Smugglers Run.

Both of these were a blast, and I survived with no issues although Smugglers Run was pushing it so once was enough. I would definitely go on Rise of the Resistance again. That is an incredible ride unlike anything I've been on before.

We were pretty fortunate on both days as the lines were manageable, usually less than 30 minutes. Line experience is where you can definitely tell the older parks such as Magic Kingdom from the newer attractions like the Stars Wars section.

Smugglers Run and Rise of the Resistance had minimal outdoor lines (this makes judging line length deceptive but that's what the park app is for), however, inside were lines that wound around forever. There was so much themed detail in the Star Wars area not only for the exterior walking around but inside while you waiting that time flew by faster and you were entertained while standing around.

You truly feel immersed in the world of Star Wars. It was by far our favorite attraction.

This didn't happen as much in Magic Kingdom. While I truly love how whimsically fantasy styled the rides and buildings are, for the most part you are just standing in a line where everyone walking by can see exactly how long they are, even if there is shade cover. Your entertainment is the people around you or passing by.

Our favorite attractions in Magic Kingdom? The Jungle Cruise and Pirates of the Caribbean in Adventure Land. They did not disappoint and are a must (which explains why their lines are always so long)!

If they haven't already, I think Disney should incorporate a treasure hunt for the multiple bronze statues around the parks. There are plenty of them and they're fun to find.

Being perfectly honest, some of the building and ride design appearance are so originally old, they're now retro cool. This is even more entertaining when you're old enough to remember when that look was considered out of style and dated...the first time around. Still, the Magic Kingdom is truly...well...magical.


Of course there are plenty of places to eat no matter which park you're in but if you're looking for something less kid friendly and more tasty you must, I repeat must, go to Epcot.

We grazed our way through the Festival of the Arts food booths as we wandered around the park, sharing multiple tiny plates of some really amazing dishes. This kept us from being either hungry or actually full. The later was more important because there was so much food to try!

Passion Fruit Mousse, Masu Sake, Rainbow Katsu Sando, Duck and Dumplings, Symphony in Chocolate Flight, Ravioli al Funghi, Red Wine Braised Beef Short Rib, Beef Wellington, Deconstructed French Onion Soup.

And those just the ones we ate!

In the Magic Kingdom, while admittedly a bit pricey and requiring planning ahead, you can always dine in one of the character places, such as Dave did for us.

I'm a big Beauty and the Beast fan and my amazing husband surprised me with lunch at the Beast's castle in the ballroom. I promise I didn't squeal (though I will never be to old to not squeal) but he may have been hugged excessively and repeatedly.

If you go, try the grey stuff (center dessert) all the dishes rave about. It truly is delicious.

Finally, it's not a trip to Disney without shows, parades, and fireworks.

We enjoyed a stunt show with Indiana Jones, a 30 minute stage show of Beauty and the Beast (shocking, right?), a brief parade and fireworks.

Epcot's fireworks were rained out, leaving us literally drenched as we made our way between buildings and any structure that would provide even a modicum of protection.

Magic Kingdom though. Wow. Main Street was packed and Disney's friendly but stern employees do not give into your entitled behavior as they enforce the stay in the roped off areas to watch the display because walkways will be kept free for people to move through rule.

It was refreshing and funny. We listened to one particular mom complaining and trying to get her way. She didn't.

And so our time in the most magical place on earth came to an end with a dizzying display of lights, fireworks, music, and so many people.

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