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  • Writer's pictureDave

Fearless in Seattle

Updated: Mar 10, 2020

Hey Dave and Marsha, you've just completed your house remodel and put it under contract for sale, so what are you going to do?

We're going to Disneyland!

Ok, not really.

We actually decided to treat ourselves with a 35 hours train ride from Seattle to Los Angeles, all while wearing period outfits. This included flying from Utah to Seattle, taking the train to LA, and then flying back home, all in a 4 day whirlwind adventure of extravagance.

That just doesn't seem to have the same ring to it, however it was as exciting for us as going to Disneyland.

Pre-launch drill, SLC Airport

Day 1 - Arrival at Ground Zero - Seattle

Arriving at about 6:30pm left us with a little time in the evening to explore, especially with our hotel only a couple of blocks from the wharf area. And since we are on the coast, what do we need to eat? Oh yeah, fresh seafood! Off to the wharf we go in search of delectables of the sea.

Park between the hotel and wharf

Miners Landing

It was a wonderful meal at Elliot's Oyster House, located right on Pier 56 in the Fisherman's Wharf area of downtown, with an outstanding server that helped make the meal fun. The views were spectacular as we were able to watch the ferries arriving and departing. However the star of the show was the food. A small tower of cold seafood, with a side of steamed mussels and a side of spicy corn and crab chowder.

Celebration Seafood Tower

But what about that pesky coronavirus? Well it definitely had an effect on Seattle itself. I don't think we saw another guest in our hotel the entire time we were there. I'm sure there were some, they just weren't seen by us. In talking to the doorman he said business was slow, local companies were telling their employees not to come in and business travelers were not going anywhere. Were we worried? Not really, we wash our hands, try to limit contact with others, and don't buy into the panic. Really not much difference than other influenzas.

Our hotel stay was wonderful, we just had to get up and get ready for the long train trip the next day.

Next up, our dapper duo board a the train, while enduring stares, to start relaxing on a long coastal trip.

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