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  • Writer's pictureMarsha

Fireworks above the sand

When you travel as much as we do, it's important to discover what the place you're in does to celebrate the holidays.

Pacific City, Oregon likes to hit the nearby beach.

Unlike most 4th of July's for us, there was no stadium to hike above, no line of cars trying to going somewhere but not actually getting anywhere, no people jockeying for a place to sit. Instead, it was incredibly relaxing waiting for the sun to set and the light show to begin.

And it's such a pretty area.

So we just sat in our chairs, watching people walking or driving by. Seeing the occasional kite floating on the wind. Listening to kids playing in the distance.

Pacific City is a tourist town, however, it's not a large place. This means while there were plenty of vehicles along this stretch of sand, our closest neighbor was not really that close so despite the number of people, it was surprisingly not very loud.

As so often happens with this holiday, not everyone was patient enough to wait for darkness. There were a number of early pop offs prepping us for the non township extravagance that would light up the sky later.

We don't know if the town itself puts on a fireworks display or not, we didn't see one, but many of the locals were more than happy to set off dozens of fireworks in all shapes, sizes and intensity.

So many large aerials.

It was quite a night.

This was our first time celebrating the 4th on the west coast oceanside. Definitely something worth doing for anyone who gets the chance. It's enjoyable, romantic, and unique for those of us without access to beach.

But bring a blanket and firewood if the beach allows. The coast can be a bit cold.

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