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  • Writer's pictureDave

How I Learned to Love the Bomb

2020 might best be described as the best laid plans....

In 2019 we worked our asses off getting our home ready to sale. Got it up on the market in early 2020 and quickly got an offer along with the sale.

Then, that word that must not be named , hit the world like a buzz saw. Ok, I'll name it, Coronavirus, bringer of death and clean air. Our next step was to find and purchase our next home, in the form of an RV (recreational vehicle, aka motor home, aka house on wheels, aka get rid of all your stuff because it won't fit here mobile). Utah doesn't have a great selection so I thought we would need to fly somewhere else and drive one back to Utah.

And then the Stay at Home orders started in other states. And my best guess is it would soon be here, in Utah, and it wasn't going to be short term.

So, no going to California. No going to Arizona. No going to Texas, with some huge RV dealers all within a couple hours drive from each other. And we're on a timeline because we now have no house, and are staying in a temporary dwelling that we have to be out of on April 30th.

Making the best of it, we still hit the local dealers, and amazingly, things do work out. The hunt began, with a list in hand of all the dealers between Ogden and Provo that had RVs that matched our criteria. Then we came across it, the first one seen of the day. It was easily better than anything we'd looked at prior. Though that didn't stop us from spending the rest of the day tracking down the other candidates on our list. We thought it over, checked it over, and decided it would do well for us.

So meet our new home to be. A 2006 Fleetwood Discovery, diesel pusher (which means business generator in the front, party diesel engine in the back), that my wife has lovingly named the Desert Pub.

Don't get too excited about the interior though, we've already started ripping things out and paint colors have been chosen.

Next up, our duo battles stay at home boredom with RV related destruction.

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