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  • Writer's pictureMarsha

It's Been Half a Century


And Peace.

For two weeks every year members of the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) travel to a campground in Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania to effectively create their own village of cloth filled with shops, restaurants, armed combat, good friends and revelry.

A small piece of Pennsic

This is Pennsic, the largest SCA event in the world! And we were there during its 50th year celebration.

A partial view of the site

Surprisingly, the attendance numbers were about average for recent years but average is just over 11,000 people. By comparison, the population for Slippery Rock is around 3,000.

People come from all over the world to be here. It's truly an amazing mix not only of recreating different time periods and cultures, but a variety of modern cultures as well. The Swedes were the easiest group to find.

Our Pennsic adventure started a little rough. We had engine troubles before we even left on our road trip, the electrical in our RV shut off when we stopped to refuel, we found ourselves driving through the very outskirts of a tornado, and finally, finally once we were on site, we got stuck trying to park in our assigned spot.

The heavy rainstorms from the past few days soaked the ground causing a number of trailers and smaller RVs to become mired in mud. We were the largest and heaviest vehicle to attempt parking in the field so naturally it didn't go so well.

They had to use the big boy with tracks instead of tires to free us but eventually it happened. We sat to the side of one of the hard packed dirt roads for a day and a half, waiting for the earth to dry enough before attempting (and succeeding) in settling into our spot.

But we made friends with neighbors as a few came out to help or watch the spectacle.

The first week of Pennsic is called Shopping Week...I mean Peace week. There are no battles happening, people are constantly arriving, there are plenty of classes to take and there are so many merchants! The site hasn't filled in yet, War Week is more popular, so it's a great time to buy a whole new wardrobe, I mean pick up a few necessities, while the options are plentiful.

We have never been to an event this large and we loved wandering to see how different groups and individuals immersed themselves in their personas. Being a pre-seventeenth century society without country specific requirements, there is a huge variety in what you'll find.

How popular is the armed combat you didn't ask?

Extremely popular.

I opted for the archery range instead but there's also a thrown weapons area for those who want to attack something without being hit back.

And then there was the castle siege which was quite fun to watch.

...wait....there's a safety issue.

It's been fixed. Attack!

Arrows and ballista javelins soaring everywhere

Sadly, if you're not at the castle gate, you have to wait patiently for the invaders to remember you're part of the battle too.

My favorite moments were watching the resets as soldiers returned to their base for hydration and a moment's rest.

When you fight this hard, you also need to unwind and cut loose.

Dance classes were held daily followed by balls in the evening to either show off the steps you learned or show you failed to attend class.

We had a blast attending both a few classes and balls. Our favorite was the masked ball where we finally had a chance to use the masks I bought several years ago for...a masked ball we missed.

Surely a gathering this size must have a few parties to celebrate the victories and the defeats?

Yes, the nights in Pennsic hold many unforgettable moments, from the more relaxed parties held closer to the general encampments and to orientated flare of The Bog.

The battlefield is where epics of bravery and follies are made, recounted around fires for years to come with hearty delight. The Bog is where salacious tales of adult wit, cunning, and pure entertainment are told in selected company with a shot of whiskey and the infamous line "There I was."

To say more would lessen the magic of the moments but I'll leave you with these final photos of evening fun.

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