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  • Writer's pictureMarsha

No gobble gobble here

Who needs turkey for Thanksgiving when you have blue skies and miles of unexplored trails to off-road on?

We’ve never been particularly traditional when it comes to Thanksgiving. I’m not sure when the last time Dave actually made a turkey for the occasion was. Granted, he always makes a really tasty meal but it’s not typical holiday fare.

As we are now not only empty nesters but have flown the nest entirely, it’s time to rethink the holidays. This year, instead of staying home cooking for the holiday, we went out bouncing around (literally! This area is nothing but rolling little hills intermixed with bigger hills). Once outside the city limits of Lake Havasu City it looks like people forgot there was a main road. Trails criss cross the wide open spaces on either side, often running parallel to the highway. I’m pretty sure if he had wanted to, Dave could have randomly driven off the road to investigate a trail with no repercussions.

Maybe next time but Thursday we were headed to Rovey’s Needle.

Over hill over dale all along the dusty trail…

In all seriousness, it was a beautiful day to be out and a most enjoyable road trip. I think we have a new tradition in the making.

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