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  • Writer's pictureMarsha

Ocean City Beach

After seven weeks of enjoying Oregon's beautiful forests, coasts, and Portland's weirdness, we moved north into Washington state...which, to be honest, looks a lot like Oregon.

We were still on the coast, though this time we weren't constantly enveloped in mist. Sure there were some overcast days, but also beautiful sunny ones when we walked along the sandy shore barefoot. We even got our toes and ankles wet in the rather cool Pacific Ocean.

I could wax poetic about holding my husband's hand as we strolled in and out of the ocean water during our lunch breaks. The amusement at watching the seagulls and other small birds scavenge around just in front people before scattering loudly, letting you know their displeasure at being interrupted by rude humans before returning to their meal after being passed by. I could wax poetic, but poetry was never my strong suit.

I know, we're normally out and about, going places and doing things. Don't let this post fool you, we did go out and explore our surroundings, but we also spent a fair amount of time simply enjoying the sand and waves so close to our home.

Sunset on the beach

Seagull in flight

A dead crab the seagulls had not torn apart yet

A fallen tree just hanging out on the beach

This seagull was not into having their picture taken

When life's a beach, take the time to enjoy it.

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