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Of Sand Dunes and Fireworks - Texas Part 2

Fully refreshed from a wonderful night at the Sand Dune Swimming Pool and RV Park we awoke with a desire for adventure before continuing on to Texas. Since we love to see National Parks, and there just happened to be one down the road, why not stop there?Onward to the Great Sand Dunes National Park, and happy 4th of July! While I've been to many sand dunes, I was not prepared for how immense this particular one is. Photos will not do it justice. It is hard enough to believe in person. Somehow, out here in the middle of nowhere, there is sand heaped into mountains. It was amazing to see.

Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve Panoramic Shot

Luckily we got up early and arrived right as the park opened. When you're driving a 39' RV towing a full sized SUV, that is the smart choice. And it is a good thing we did, as when we left a couple hours later, there was a mile long line of cars to get in the park.

We parked at the visitor center, which of course was not open fully right now because of the pandemic. However we were still able to get a stamp for our National Parks books, which was nice of them to provide. From there we hiked (starting at the trail in the panoramic shot above) the full mile to the dunes. There is a closer parking lot, but we are glutton for punishment, whenever we can. By the time we got there there were quite a few that were already scaling the slippery slopes, but safe distances were easy to keep.

There were a few sand boarders, many playing in the sand, climbers and then the watchers. Since we were already a mile into the hiking, we joined the later group and will leave the scaling for another day.

Hiking in the sun across the warm sands

If you look closely at the first picture above you can almost get a sense of the size of these sand mountains by the dots of little people climbing its base.

We really enjoyed our short time here, and plan to return for a longer period of time. Especially to take advantage of night time at the dunes.

Travel on we must though. Our goal that night was Amarillo Texas, the shortest leg of our trip. And made it we did with a stop at the Big Texan. What is a more iconic way to be welcomed to Texas?

The Big Texan, home of the 72oz eat it and it's free steak

We didn't actually go to the steak house. Being the 4th it was packed tighter than a mouse's ear. Luckily we were about a mile down the road at the Big Texan RV Park, same owners, not flashy and quieter. It was a nice little park (like anything is little in Texas) that provided us several neighborhood fireworks shows to watch while we finished dinner. Overall not a bad place and we would return.

Up next: Our adventurers dive deep into the heart of Texas.

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