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Of UFOs and Hot Tubs - Texas Part 1

What is the first thing people think of come July? Why heading to the cool state of Texas, right? No? Well, that was our plan, to travel to the hellfire heat of Texas, with our daughter Adriane. Not for any desire to be in Texas during the hottest month of the year, but because we have kids at Fort Hood who we haven't seen in a couple years. The original plan was to go in March or April, but you know, plague, pandemic, doom and destruction. So here we are, heading to Texas, with Covid numbers spiking higher than ever. Our advantage is we bring our home with us, so need to be around others directly.

On day 1, being the first real trip we've done with the Desert Pub (our 39' Class A Fleetwood Discovery) we actually had few issues but nothing we couldn't handle. Being about a 26 hour drive (at our slow speed) we decided to break the trip down into 3 days (vs 2 on the way back)

This first day took us from Northern Utah to Southern Colorado. There was some beautiful scenery along the way, and some steep passes, especially the continental divide. But the Desert Pub did an admiral job.

Grand Junction to Hooper, Co

Always in the search for the unusual to see along the way we discovered the UFO Watchtower near Hooper, Co. Though after passing through I've become a skeptic. No, not of whether UFOs exist, but if Hooper is a real town. It was becoming that barren. The UFO Watchtower was a nice little stop, which I'm glad we had time for. It is a completely eclectic mix of alien and other memorabilia, loosely organized (loosely being the keyword). You are encouraged to bring something to leave, which Adriane gladly did on our behalf. It is a fun place to see on a route many are not likely to take.

UFO Watchtower, Hooper, Colorado

They also had very basic camp sites, for cheap, but we already had reservations down the road. And I'm glad we did. Not against anything at the Watchtower, just the RV park just down the road turned out to be better.

How does fully lush indoor landscaped hot tubs, inside a converted greenhouses, with a beer and wine bar, and a full menu on a cool high elevation night sound? Well it sounded like heaven to us after a long first day.

Sand Dunes Swimming Pool & RV Park

We relaxed, drank, ate and pretty much had a wonderful evening. Since we didn't bring our phones in the picture above is a stock picture, which must be a bit old, as the plants were large and inside felt almost jungle like. There were 4 hot tubs of varying temperatures and a steam spa, to go along with the bar. The nice thing is we could eat and drink pool side, which we took full advantage of.

We want to come back to this area just to stay here again, and explore more of where we went the next day.

Up next: Our adventures find out that scale size of a picture doesn't do justice to Mother Nature.

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