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Rain, Snow and Sun, Welcome to Idaho

Writer's picture: DaveDave

Want to experience all the weather? Try Eastern Idaho on Memorial Day weekend. In an effort to travel (adventure) a bit while still maintaining a good social distance, we loaded up the Desert Pub and headed to the family land in Idaho. The nearest neighbor is only a few miles away, is that too close?

It had rained for a couple days prior to our arrival. This led to soft, muddy ground to back into and level ourselves on. We were able to get backed up to our gravel pad, with only minimal slippage. However the ground was way to soft and the gravel not thick enough to level on. Ended up having to level 3 times, finally using several two by fours under the jacks and the wheel blocks. Even then, several of the boards snapped. At one point one of the jacks had pushed about a foot into the mushy gravel/mud mix.

Slight slip and slide in the mud

Since we arrived early enough on Friday I decided it would be a good day to break out the smoker. Since my step dad Jerry is a fan of meatloaf, I thought I would give smoking a meatloaf a try. A mix of ground sausage and beef with some onions, garlic and several spices seemed like the right way to start. The outside was rubbed with a dry rub, and it took about 5 hours total to smoke to 160 degrees internal before breaking it out. At about 142 degrees I also basted it with some BBQ sauce.

A nice pink smoke ring

It turned out pretty tasty. The smoke ring was excellent, and it was very flavorful. Jerry had it for like 3 meals, so step dad approved.

And then Saturday morning we woke up to this.

Time to go back to bed

It snowed all day Saturday, I'm guessing about 8-10 inches total. This really put a damper on any desire to do outside work. It was just too messy and cold.

However on Sunday the sun came out, it warmed back up to about 60 and between Sunday and Monday we finished off the loft ladders and railing in the bunkhouse along with flashing on the eaves. I think they turned out rather nice.

Kids jumping between the ladders? Wouldn't happen, right?

Tuesday was departure day. I spent the morning changing a leaking house on the engine cooling system and back to our pad in Utah we went.

If you'd like to see the building of the bunkhouse from last year, checkout pictures on our Instagram.

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