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  • Writer's pictureMarsha

Tales from Tennessee

A Scene From The Beverly Hillbillies

Staying in rural Tennessee, you see things which those of us not from this state find...humorous. Driving home from grocery shopping at the only nearby place to buy food, a small, tin roofed building with a friendly staff, we did a slow double take as we passed by the dilapidated mobile home along our route.

We weren't sure if anyone lived there as it was clearly a hazard as among other things part of the roof had fallen down and one of its ends was partially open to the outside. The yard was filled with assorted rusting junk and random objects. Laundry hung on a line strung between a large tree and the house.

On this day, standing in the front yard of this apocalyptic scene we saw young woman in her late teens maybe early twenties. The girl's low, blonde ponytails were floating on the strong wind felt before an approaching storm. Her short white cotton nightdress billowed above her knees but not so much as to be indecent. As we approached, she turned to greet us with a friendly smile and a wave. It was almost enough to distract us from her too casual stance while pointing a rifle a in the general direction of the house.

It was like seeing Ellie May Clampett in person.

We never did learn if she was hunting squirrels or something larger.

The Local Post Office

As I stood at the counter, sharing small talk with the heavily deep southern accented postal worker, a woman came in and stood behind me. Upon seeing her, the postal worker smiled and in a familial joking voice told her she had to stay dressed in here this time.

Well, that required a follow up question from me asking if she normally undressed in the post office.

She laughed, not embarrassed as she told the story. I assume this was not her first time regaling others with her misadventure.

Not to long ago while waiting patiently for her turn to send off packages the woman, who has a fondness for black pants, was wearing a larger size than normal pair but one that she felt fit okay. Shifting her packages as she stepped forward, the woman realized too late that her pants, indeed, did not fit okay as they fell immediately to her ankles.

She now encourages the use of belts at all times. At least she was wearing underwear or this would have been a very different anecdote.

Walking In Memphis

Our time in Memphis was short but long enough to see some of it's more unique sites.

Did you know they have a giant pyramidal Bass Pro Shops?


This place has hotel, store, and creek inside of it plus a restaurant bar at the top with a ledge for viewing the city.

As a Steampunk fan, I approve of the restaurant's decor.

There's also a unique riverwalk on Mud Island. A to scale model of the Mississippi River which turns out to a lengthy yet fascinating walk.

If cemeteries are more your thing, check out the Crystal Shrine Grotto located in heart of the Memphis Memorial Park Cemetery.

Built in the 1930s by the highly paranoid Mexican artist Dionicio Rodrigue, the Crystal Shrine Grotto is an entirely man made and slightly bizarre tribute to the bible. Even the non religious individual should consider stopping by as this is a strangely beautiful creation.

Finally onto the downtown. While the city is supposed to have a happening night life on Beale Street, we were there on a Sunday so couldn't stay late enough to discover if this was true. To be perfectly honest, while there are some interesting things to do, the city feels worn, like it wants to regain it glory but it's just tired and doesn't really have the energy.

This is the first city where, on that popular walking street, a couple of young late tweens early teenagers attempted to compliment then demand money from us. Being the old grumps that we are, we ignored them while continuing to sightsee. It was a new experience.

Still, the people are friendly and the food is good.

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