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  • Writer's pictureMarsha

That's so Gaudi

The thing about cruises is you arrive at your port city a day ahead of departure just in case you experience travel woes getting there like we did. So then you're in the (hopefully new) city for half a day or more before boarding.

What do you do?

Our hostel allowed us to leave our bags with them even after check out so we did what any good traveler would do, we explored.

La Sagrada Familia was on the must visit list of places for one of our companions so off we went to see the unfinished church. Architect Antoni Gaudi began working on this enormous Catholic church back in 1883 and parts of it are still being worked on today.

It's not surprising the place is still a work in progress on when you take a look at the detailing involved...everywhere. Everywhere on the exterior is like this.

We spent a few hours admiring the overwhelming beauty and dedication to the arts used in creating this amazing structure. We were (accidentally) smart enough to visit in the morning when the sun was shining through the multiple stain glass windows.

The glow enveloping the interior was awe inspiring.

The whole interior of the church is such a wow factor.

Take one of the tours leading up the towers. You won't be disappointed. Not only is the view worth it but the stairwell for part of the descent is pretty fun.

With time still to kill after all of the ooohs and aaaahs, we decided to wander the streets of Barcelona, simply taking in the sights.

Until we found the most wonderful, and popular, tapas place.

Embrace the food!

Unlike our air adventures, our sea expedition started smoothly. At the end of the day we were gliding away from the sunset and toward new experiences.

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