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  • Writer's pictureMarsha

Top of the World!

Okay, so it's a bit of a cliché to say that but...

...sometimes you kinda feel like you are.

So, there's this trail in Moab which is famous for pictures of Jeeps, and I suppose other vehicles, being on the edge of a verrryyyyy high cliff which is called, yes, you guessed it Top of the World.

Now, you probably could get closer to the edge if you are a thrill seeker, but bear in mind what our two drivers saw as they crept up on what would be the end of the world if their spotter was off.

Getting to and from this acrophobic inducing spectacle is a journey in and of itself. Plenty of ledges on the road, which could be described as miniature cliffs preparing you for what lies ahead, keep you at a tortoise pace.

Eventually though you'll arrive at the summit which is a bit surreal. Uneven rocks, lonely trees and 180 degree views.

It's easy to spend hours here taking photos. Harassing your friends while the wind sweeps around blowing hair across your face. Leaning over cliffs, contemplating the mysteries of life as while remembering how soft and small you are. Knowing if you slip, lose your balance, or simply misstep you'll learn whether it's the fall that kills you or the sudden stop at the end because there won't be any bouncing off the walls.

Thoughts of imminent death aside (or maybe because of them), who can resist kisses from the edge.

So ends another adventure for our intrepid explorers?

Of course not it's still light out, but it is the end of this picture show.

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