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  • Writer's pictureDave

Welcome to F****** Deadwood! (and Rapid City)

A few months back, when we visited Dodge City, I would have called the town a bit run down and quiet. Not so with Deadwood, which prides itself on being a tourist trap.

FBI, always trying to keep things for themselves

Overall, while it was interesting to visit neither one of us would want to return here. Even on a slow night it was crowded with way to many people, the food was mediocre at best (as we've found in most tourist traps) and it is populated with stores trying to part fools from their money with cheap junk. I can neither confirm nor deny whether we were such fools. The highlight of my visit here though was a scale train museum in the basement for one of the stores. It highlighted several eras of trains and sets which were fun to watch.

Trains and a fitting

Rapid City

Rapid City, was by contrast, a complete delight. Of course part of that could have been the night we chose. Though a Thursday it just happened to be street fair night, so there was live music, people but not too crowded and a great vibe.

The town hosts bronze statues of all the presidents, calling itself the City of Presidents. The Alex Johnson Mercantile (hotel) was just beautiful as was the old firehouse which is now a brewing company.

A tip of the hat to you

The city has also dedicated an entire alley to graffiti artists, where they are free to come in and fulfill their artistic desires, unless it is between the hours of 2am and 6am (the inspiration well must run dry occasionally?).

Beautiful tributes

Though we avoided getting deep into the crowds, we do hope to return someday to spend more time here, and in the area in general. It really is welcoming and a lot of fun.

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