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When one trail ends

54 miles. Seven months.

Seven months. It took us seven months and 54 miles to complete the 27 mile Ogden Centennial Trail loop. 54 miles you say? Why yes. We began hiking in sections from one trail marker to another and then back in late April, thus literally doubling the length necessary for completion. 

This is an interesting and diverse adventure, letting you experience a little bit of everything. There’s urban walking alongside businesses or strolling through neighborhoods. Wooded trails meandering the downtown.  A short jot down a country lane. And of course, hiking the bench of the nearby mountain with its many tempting diversions beckoning you up a ravine or onto a shaded path just off your chosen course.

For my husband the Centennial Trail was a goal. One to keep us exploring and exercising in a reasonably safe manner. It was a mountain to be conquered, so to speak, before our planned departure in November.

54 miles. Seven months.

Seriously though, we’re not that slow of hikers. This objective was only a mild obsession. Something to be fulfilled on weekends and evenings when we didn’t have other plans. Besides, while the bench section has sweeping views of the city it demands way too much time under the Utah sun.

Panorama of Ogden, UT

We could either tackle it by waking up early on a weekend or wait until fall when cooler temperatures would prevail. We chose waiting because…well…we like our weekend morning routine of coffee and chai while watching a travel show or two in our jammies. 

We did conquer the Centennial Trail mid October right before the weather turned too cold for me to be out in it.

A month later we began our travelling life in earnest.

So here we are, one week into the couple of months we’ll be spending at Lake Havasu City, AZ. There is so much within walking distance and aside from 24 straight hours of insane wind activity rocking the Pub like a disco club, the weather has been amazing. Blue skies, beautiful sunsets and perfect temperatures for hiking. 

One trail has ended…a whole new territory is waiting to be explored!

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